BroadwayCon & LeakyCon Relaunch
Brand relaunch following the collapse of the event industry as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Full budgetary and brand management, returning both properties to the market. BroadwayCon was relaunched with a flagship event featuring Hillary Clinton, LaChanze, Julie White, and Vanessa Williams. LeakyCon was relaunched alongside appearances by Sean Astin, Elijah Wood, and Tom Felton.
2022 - 2023
Mischief Management
Media Coverage
Any Many More…
"I needed that female empowerment [from the Clinton panel] in my life so badly. Being a young female entrepreneur myself and trying to get my art out into the world and seeing how far those women have come in their jobs, it’s really inspiring.”
— Elexa Bancroft, Attendee